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RRB RPF Constable mock test link active, check at regional websites

RRB RPF Constable mock test link active, check at regional websites

RRB RPF Constable mock test link active, check at regional websites

Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) have released mock tests for the CEN RPF 02/2024 (Constable) recruitment examination. Candidates can visit the official RRB websites to understand the exam pattern and type of questions asked through these mock tests. As per the notification, the RPF Constable examination will be held between March 2 and March 20, 2025.

The RRB RPF Constable is a computer-based test. The duration of the exam is 90 minutes and it carries 120 questions in the computer-based test, with every question carrying one mark. There will be a negative marking (one-third) for wrong answers. The unattempted questions will neither be awarded nor deducted any marks.

To crack the RRB exam, unreserved, EWS and OBC-NCL category candidates need at least 35 per cent marks while SC and ST category candidates have to score 30 per cent marks.

Candidates who pass the CBT will be eligible to appear for stages of this recruitment process.

Those aspirants who clear the Computer-Based Test (CBT) will be invited to appear in the next stages of selection, which include the Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Measurement Test (PMT), and Document Verification (DV). The Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) will shortlist candidates 10 times the number of vacancies in each category, covering Male, Female, and Ex-Servicemen applicants.

As per the official notification, exam city, city intimation slip and other details will be made live 10 days prior to the exam. RRB has mentioned the admit card will be released four days before the test.

RRBs are conducting the RPF recruitment drive to fill up 4208 vacancies. For more details, candidates can check the official websites of RRBs.

