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SSC GD Admit Card 2025: When and where to check hall tickets?

SSC GD Admit Card 2025: When and where to check hall tickets?

SSC GD Admit Card 2025: When and where to check hall tickets?

SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2025: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will soon release the admit cards for general constable positions. The SSC GD admit cards will be released at least four days before the examination at the Commission’s official website, The SSC GD exam will be held between February 4 and 25.

The Commission aims to fill as many as 39,481 vacancies as part of the recruitment process.

The Commission will release the hall tickets on The admit card dates are not yet out; however, following the usual pattern, SSC can release the admit cards four days before the exam. It can be expected that the SSC GD admit cards will be released by January 31 or February 1.

Step 1: Visit the regional websites of SSC

Step 2: Select the admit card tab available or link on the home screen

Step 3: Fill in your credentials like roll number, mother’s name and date of birth

Step 4: The admit card will be displayed on the screen

Step 5: Take a printout of the admit card for future references

The recruitment process will consist of a computer-based examination (CBE), PST, PET, Medical Examination (DME/ RME) and document verification. Male and female candidates will be shortlisted state-wise, area-wise and category-wise based on their merit in the CBT mode.

The SSC GD will have objective-type questions in a computer-based mode with two marks each. There will be four parts — general intelligence and reasoning, general knowledge and awareness, elementary mathematics and English and Hindi. There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
