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UGC NET December 2024: When will results be out? Past trends here

UGC NET December 2024: When will results be out? Past trends here

UGC NET December 2024: When will results be out? Past trends here

UGC NET 2024 December: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has concluded the December session UGC NET 2024 exam. This year, UGC NET was conducted between January 3 and January 27 with two exam later postponed due to festivals. With over 284 cities covered in two shifts per day, a total of 6,49,490 candidates appeared for the examination, marking an overall attendance rate of 76.5 per cent.

The provisional answer key to raise the objections on the questions for the UGC NET December 2024 has been closed. As per the usual procedure followed by the National Testing Agency, the final answer keys, results, and cut-offs will be announced together.

As the exam has now concluded, let’s take a look at the trend of results for the past five years when NTA has released the UGC NET results:

As can be observed from the above table, NTA releases the results for the UGC NET in less than 45 days. Students can expect a similar trend for this session too.

The UGC NET December 2020 and June 2021 were merged cycles due to which the exam dates and results for both these sessions were released on February 19. 

As was mentioned in the press release, the NET December 2020 and June 2021 (merged cycles) was conducted by NTA in three phases spanning over 18 days at 837 centres in 239 cities across the country. Phase I was conducted between 20 November 2021 to 05 December 2021, Phase II between 24 December to 27 December 2021 and Phase III on 04 January and 05 January 2022.

The UGC NET is held twice a year, in June and December, for the appointment of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), Assistant Professorship, and admissions to PhD programmes.
